Hg Gdm Hgjrkdm

University of technology and applied sciences ibra college of technology is one of the established technical colleges in the sultanate of oman that is being governed by the ministry of manpower since 2001.
Hg gdm hgjrkdm. خدمة تواصل للإقتراحات والشكاوى. Object moved this document may be found here. مدة البرنامج مستوى الدخول أول ثانوي أو ثاني ثانوي المدة سنتان ونصف مستوى الدخول ثالث متوسط المدة ثلاث سنوات. Object moved this document may be found here.
تسجيل الدخول لبوابة القبول الموحد للمؤسسة العامة للتدريب المهني والتقني. University of technology and applied science nizwa utas nizwa is located on the eastern outskirts of nizwa city about 12 km from the city centre. The university of technology and applied sciences higher college of technology in muscat is the second largest higher education institution in oman catering for more than 13 000 students studying in various programs.